Tuesday 2 December 2014

Marketing Environment (micro, macro)

Marketing Environment

The factors or forces influencing marketing decision making are collectively called as marketing environment. Marketing environment can be broadly divided into two categories:
i. Micro- Environment and ii. Macro-Environment.
(Jain, 2010)

i. Micro Marketing Environment:
Micro environment refers to the company’s immediate environment. Micro environmental factors are closely related to a specific company/firm and are included as part of the firm’s total marketing system. These factors are-
Company’s internal environment- Top management, Finance department, Purchase department, Production department, Accounting department, Research and Development department.; Suppliers; Marketing intermediaries- Resellers, Physical distribution firms, Marketing service agencies, Financial Intermediaries; Customers- Population point of view (Final consumers, Prospective consumers) and the marketing environment point of view (Ultimate consumers, Industrial consumers, Resellers, Government Agencies, Foreign consumers); Competitors; and Public- Financial publics, Media publics, Government publics, Citizen action publics, Internal public, Local public, General public.

ii. Macro Marketing Environment:
It consists of Demographic- age-group, income group, division according to sex, marital status, occupation and profession etc.; Economic- interest rate, money supply, price level, consumer credit, etc.; Socio-cultural- change in lifestyle and social values, caste structure, mobility of labor, customs and conventions, cultural heritage, life style, social values, beliefs, view towards scientific methods, etc.; Political and Legal; Technological and Physical forces- air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, etc. which influence marketing policies and operations. These are all uncontrollable as far as business is concerned.

Advantage of Marketing Environment:
-       Marketers are able to know stated, unstated, secret and real needs or the customers
-       Trendy products can be brought out in the market
-       Competitor moves can be anticipated and countered
-       Marketing mix strategy can be properly formulated
-       Marketer is able to know the organisational strengths, capabilities and related opportunities. (Jain, 2010)


Jain, A. (2010), Principles of Marketing, New Delhi: V.K. (India) Enterprises

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