BCG (Boston Consulting Group)
Business Portfolio Matrix
A two-dimensional grid that compares
the strategic positions of each of the organisation’s businesses.
BCG- Matrix:
A business portfolio matrix that
uses market growth rate and relative market share as the indicators of the firm’s
strategic position. (Lewis, et al, 2007)
Figure: BCG matrix. [Adapted from: Lewis, et
al, 2007, p.168]
Limitations of BCG matrix:
The use of highs and
lows to form four categories is too simplistic.
The link between
market share and profitability is questionable. Low-share business can also be
Growth rate is only
one aspect of industry attractiveness.
Product lines or
business units are considered only in relation to one competitor: the market
leader. Small competitor with fast-growing market shares are ignored.
Market share is only
one aspect of overall competitive position. (Wheelen, Hunger, and Rangarajan, 2006)
Lewis, P., Goodman, S., Fandt, P.,
and Michlitsch, J. (2007), Management: Challenges for Tomorrow’s Leaders, 5th
ed, USA: Thomson South-Western
Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D. and
Rangarajan, K. (2006), Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, 9th
ed, India: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.